Posts Tagged ‘social media’

How to Grow and Manage Your Twitter Following

July 12, 2013

It doesn’t matter if you’re an entrepreneur working in a brick and mortar business or working from your home office, every ghuru says it’s important to engage in social media.  What is social media, you ask?  It’s web sites like Twitter, FaceBook, Google+, Linked In, Pinterest and other similar sites where you can directly engage people, develop relationships and talk about your business or other topics.  But, conversing on any social media takes time.

The most widely used social media forum is Twitter.  What if you could load up tweets ahead of time, manage your followers, download lists and put all of that on auto-pilot?  The good news is now YOU CAN!  We have found some brand new software that complies with all of Twitter’s rules that automates everything!  Set it up and let it run.  Watch your list grow, send people to your web site or blogs to read about your products which equals traffic that can turn into sales.  It’s called TweetAdder4 and we have had great success with it.  Follow the link and get more information.  It just might be the exact thing you have been looking for to save time and grow your list.

And, don’t forget to check out the latest and greatest HOT PRODUCTS  from Avante.

How Using Twitter Can Help Grow Your Business

July 2, 2012

Everyone is talking about social media from Twitter to Facebook to LinkedIn and more.  Understanding how all of these platforms work can be confusing if you’re new to the process.  The more ways you use to expose your business products or services, the better chance you have of driving traffice to your site.  Once people are at your site, the better chance you have of converting someone to a customer.  Just because you have a website doesn’t mean the world will flock to it.  You need to drive traffic to your site, so people can see what you have to offer.

One of the easiest platforms to use for business is Twitter.  Why?  Because by growing your list of followers, you can reach people at a much faster rate than most other methods of marketing.  When you follow someone who already has a large list of followers, your tweets are shown in their time line.  By growing your own list of followers, you are capturing people who are already interested in what you have to say.

No one likes being spammed, so don’t do that.  But you can talk about trends that affect your business, or other subjects of interest.  Also, RT (re-tweeting) someone else’s tweet helps when you can’t think of anything to write, or you want to share something of interest that someone else has written.  You can also see what’s trending on Twitter and jump in the conversation.  Twitter gives you multiple ways to find like minded people and ideas for communication.

You can mention a specific product or service every now and then, and send people to your blog or eCommerce site, but again, don’t spam.  You will lose followers very quickly.

Growing your list of followers a little at a time can be done slowly – I have done it when I first started.  But, if you want that list to grow into significant numbers, I have found a tool that can help.  It’s easy to use and automates the entire process.  It’s called Tweet Adder.  Many of the heavy hitters with those thousands of followers are using this tool.  Read about it and see if it’s right for you.

The goal is to grow your list as quickly as possible and drive traffic to your site.  It also allows you to work with more than one Twitter profile.  Why not try this tool, and see if it’s right for you?  Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter  also,  and we’ll follow you back.  By the way,  visit us at  We’re always adding new items.  See you in the Twittersphere!

Twitter Can Build Organic Links

April 11, 2009


I subscribe to many business newsletters, and have been trying to get more organic links back to our site. 

We have recently joined Twitter, but it wasn’t until I read an article this morning from Eric Ward, a contributor to WebPro News, that made me realize how valuable Twitter can be in creating organic back links to your site.  Eric gives some great suggestions on how to accomplish this.

There are also some good ideas in the comments section after the article.

For the complete article click here.  Social media is definitely on the move!

Marketing with the Media Mavens

April 9, 2009

tn_htsicover_1What are you doing to increase your business in these hard times?  Recently, I borrowed a book entitled How to Say It: Marketing with New Media written by Lena Claxton and Alison Woo known as the Media Mavens.  I was so impressed with their ideas and strategies that I purchased my own book, so I could highlight those ideas I wanted to put in to practice.

Lena and Alsion offer many suggestions on increasing your business by using Websites, E-zines (newsletters), Blogs and Podcasts.  Their book is filled with ideas, suggested websites and motivation which can help even the smallest business grow and succeed in any environment. 

I don’t subscribe to many e-zines, but theirs is definitely worth a read.  They can be found at  This book is also available at Amazon and other notable booksellers.  If you’re looking for help that can make a real difference in the way you conduct your business, this is a must read.